ORA-14400: Inserted Partition Key Does Not Map To Any Partition

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  • 14 Dec, 2023
  • 1 Min Read

ORA-14400: Inserted Partition Key Does Not Map To Any Partition

This error is because, the value which we are trying to insert is not satisfying the partition key range criteria. Lets check the partition details.
 SQL> select partition_name,high_value from dba_tab_partitions where table_name='RANGE_TAB'; 

Solution :

So to fix it , add another partition, with high_value greater than the value which we are trying to insert.
SQL> alter table RANGE_TAB add partition p4 values less than (to_date(‘01042023′,’ddmmyyyy’));
SQL> insert into RANGE_TAB values(to_date(‘24032023′,’ddmmyyyy’),100);
1 row created.