Kiran Dalvi17 Dec, 20230 Comments1 Min ReadORA-29280: Invalid Directory Path ORA-06512:”SYS.UTL_FILE” PROBLEM: One of our procedure using utl_file to create a file and it is failing with this error. Solution : 1. Check the dba_directories, whether the directory TESTUSER is present in database or not. SQL> select * from dba_directories where directory_name='TESTUSER'; no rows selected 2. Create the directory as below: SQL> create directory TESTUSER as '/export/home/oracle'; Directory created. 3. Retry the operation SQL> declare file_open utl_file.file_type; begin file_open:=utl_file.fopen('TESTUSER','dbaclassa.txt','w'); utl_file.fclose(file_open); end; / 2 3 4 5 6 7 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Oracle DBAShare: ORA-20005: Object Statistics Are Locked (Stattype = ALL)ORA-31617: Unable To Open Dump File For Write