Kiran Dalvi03 May, 20220 Comments1 Min ReadRAC Administration In this blog , we will try to understand the rac command that will help for rac administration crsctl stat res -t crsctl query css votedisk olsnodes env |grep ORA crsctl stat res -t crsctl stat res -init crsctl stat res -t -init crsctl start crs ps -ef|grep d.bin crsctl disable crs ps -ef|grep smon srvctl config database -d asmcmd showclustermode locate crsd.trc crsctl check cluster -all ps -ef|grep tns ps -ef|grep d.bin crsctl stat res -t crsctl stat res -t -init crsctl stop cluster -all crsctl start cluster -all crsctl check cluster -all crsctl check crs crsctl stop crs crsctl stop crs -f crsctl start crs crsctl enable crs crsctl disable crs crsctl stop has crsctl start has crsctl check cssd cluvfy comp scan cluvfy comp ocr -n all –verbose ocrconfig --help ocrconfig -local --help ocrconfig -showbackup ocrconfig -showbackuploc olsnodes --help olsnodes srvctl config scan srvctl status scan srvctl status scan_listener srvctl config database -d RACCDB srvctl status database -d RACCDB srvctl stop database -d RACCDB srvctl status instance -d RACCDB -i RACCDB1 srvctl status instance -d RACCDB -i RACCDB2 srvctl stop instance -d RACCDB -i RACCDB1 srvctl start instance -d RACCDB -i RACCDB1 srvctl status listener -l LISTENER srvctl status listener -l ASMNET1LSNR_ASM srvctl stop listener -l LISTENER srvctl start listener -l LISTENER srvctl start database -d PRODB -o nomount srvctl start database -d PRODB -o mount srvctl start database -d PRODB -o open How to find the OCR location? cat /etc/oracle/ocr.loc /u01/app/ query css votedisk How to find the OLR location? cat /etc/oracle/olr.loc ocrcheck -local -config What is GPNP Profile and What it contains? /u01/app/<hostname>/profiles/peer/profile.xml. ASM and Clusterware: Which One is Started First? kfed read /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATA1 | grep -E 'vfstart|vfend' nslookup yum install bind* yum install bind* --skip-broken vi /etc/resolv.conf service named restart ping service firewalld stop Oracle DBAShare: Start and Stop RAC ServicesCreate Oracle 19c Database Manually