- Kiran Dalvi
- 12 Dec, 2021
- 2 Mins Read
RMAN Cloning from prod to test server
How to duplicate 19c database on remote server
Using RMAN’s Active Duplicate feature?
Task is to clone a database called TESTDB to CLONEDB using RMAN’s Active Duplicate feature.
Source and Destination is as follows:
Subject | Source | Destination |
IP Address: | | |
Database Name: | TESTDB | CLONEDB |
Database Status | OPEN | Not Available yet |
Database Version: | 19.0.0 | 19.0.0 |
ORACLE_BASE: | data/app/oracle | /data/app/oracle |
ORACLE_HOME: | /data/app/oracle/product/19C/dbhome_3 | /data/app/oracle/product/19C/dbhome |
Listener Name: | LISTENER | LISTENER |
Listener Port: | 1521 | 1521 |
Listener Status | Up | Up |
On Source Database Server:
No | Description | Command / Details / Screenshots |
1 | Login to Source Database Srver and set oracle environment. | . oraenv → TESTDB |
2 | Create passwordfile if not already created. | orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw$ORACLE_SID password=”abc123″ format=12 force=y ls -1 $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw$ORACLE_SID |
3 | Send Passwordfile to destination server. | scp orapwTESTDB [email protected]:/data/app/oracle/product/19C/dbhome/dbs/orapwTESTDB
4 | Update tnsnames.ora file with both source and database connection string | cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin vi tnsnames.ora TESTDB = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = TESTDB) ) ) CLONEDB = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = CLONEDB) ) ) |
5 | Verify connection string | tail -4 tnsnames.ora tnsping TESTDB tnsping CLONEDB |
On Destination Server:
6 | Putty to Destination server with credentials | |
7 | Add CLONEDB database entry in oratab | cat >> /etc/oratab << EOF CLONEDB:/data/app/oracle/product/19C/dbhome:N EOF # Verify ORACLE_SID is available in /etc/oratab file grep $ORACLE_SID /etc/oratab |
8 | Add Static server in listener.ora file | cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin vi listener.ora SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC= (GLOBAL_DBNAME = CLONEDB) (ORACLE_HOME = /data/app/oracle/product/19C/dbhome) (SID_NAME = CLONEDB) ) ) |
9 | Reload listener | lsnrctl reload listener # Verify Service is registered lsnrctl status listener |grep $ORACLE_SID |
10 | Set oracle environment to destination database. | . oraenv → CLONEDB |
11 | Update tnsnames.ora file with both source and database connection string cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin vi tnsnames.ora TESTDB = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = TESTDB) ) ) CLONEDB = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = CLONEDB) ) ) | |
12 | Verify connection string | tail -4 tnsnames.ora tnsping TESTDB tnsping CLONEDB |
13 | Make changes in init.ora to reflect new database name.Replace TESTDB to CLONEDB | cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs vi init$ORACLE_SID.ora DB_NAME=CLONEDB ESC :wq! |
14 | Create all database directories for . | [oracle@stand dbs]$ mkdir -p /data/app/oracle/admin/CLONEDB/adump [oracle@stand dbs]$ mkdir-p/data/app/oracle/oradata/CLONEDB [oracle@stand dbs]$ mkdir -p /data/app/oracle/oradata/CLONEDB [oracle@stand dbs]$ mkdir -p /data/app/oracle/oradata/CLONEDB [oracle@stand dbs]$ mkdir -p /data/app/oracle [oracle@stand dbs]$ mkdir -p /data/app/oracle/product/19C/dbhome/dbs/arch |
15 | Startup database in nomount mode | sqlplus / as sysdba startup nomount; exit; |
16 | Connect to auxiliary instance with rman and start duplicating database rman target sys/abc123@TESTDB auxiliary sys/abc123@CLONEDB duplicate target database to CLONEDB from active database SPFILE parameter_value_convert (‘TESTDB’,’CLONEDB’) set log_archive_dest_1=’location=/data/app/oracle/product/19C/dbhome/dbs/arch’ NOFILENAMECHECK; exit; | |
17 | Verify database is up and running | . oraenv → CLONEDB sqlplus / as sysdba col db_unique_name format a14 col created format a20 Select name, dbid, db_unique_name, to_char(created,’DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS’) as created from v$database; Select instance_name, status from v$instance; exit; |