Full Stack Web Development (MEAN & MERN)
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Learn with Ankush

Full Stack Web Development

Become a Full Stack Web Developer with Learnomate. Our comprehensive course covers front-end and back-end technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and databases. Learn to build and deploy dynamic web applications from scratch. Join us to gain the skills needed to kickstart your career in web development!

Next Bach Starts:

September 1, 2024

Days to go

Modules covered in The Ultimate Web Full Stack Program

In today's rapidly evolving Tech Industry, being a skilled Web Developer is a valuable asset. There is an unprecedented requirement of all rounders and dynamic developers in the website building domain. Learnomate Technologies comprehensive Full Stack Course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills to handle every aspect of Web Development.

Module 1
Introduction to Web Full Stack
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
A Curriculum that prepares you to thrive in the Industry as an Expert

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Trainer - Ankush Thavali

Course Overview

  • Understanding Web Development Fundamentals.
  • Front-End Development Skills:
  • Master HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visually appealing and responsive web pages.
  • Learn and apply modern front-end frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, or Vue.js.
  • Implement responsive design principles using frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS.
  • Database Management
  • Introduction to Web Development
  • HTML
  • CSS & CSS 3
  • Bootstrap
  • Node JS
  • React Js
  • Mongo DB

The following professionals can go for this course:

  • Freshers
  • Experienced
  • Web Developer

What are the pre-requisites for this Course?

  • Basic Computer Skills
  • Basic Understanding of the Internet and Web
  • Willingness to Learn and Adapt

Course Content

  • Introduction to Full stack and Purpose of it
  • Introduction to Web Application
  • Architecture of Web Application

  • Introduction to HTML?
  • Why to Learn HTML?
  • HTML Editors
  • HTML Document Structure
  • HTML Meta Tags
  • HTML Element?
  • HTML Tags
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Comments
  • HTML Style Guide
  • HTML Headings
  • HTML Paragraphs
  • HTML Line Breaks
  • HTML Text Formatting Elements
  • HTML Preformated (pre) & Horizontal (hr) rule
  • HTML Links (Anchor Tag)
  • HTML Images
  • HTML Image Links
  • HTML Figure and Figcaption Tag
  • HTML Tables, HTML Lists
  • HTML Block and Inline Elements, HTML class Attribute, HTML id Attribute, HTML Iframes
  • HTML Computer Code Elements
  • HTML Semantic Elements / Tags
  • HTML Marquees
  • HTML Forms
  • HTML New Input Type
  • HTML Progress Ta
  • HTML Media- Video, Audio

  • CSS Selectors
  • How To Add CSS
  • CSS Colors
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Fonts Style
  • CSS Text Style
  • CSS Box Model-CSS Borders, -CSS Margins, CSS Padding
  • CSS Width, CSS Height, CSS Links Style, CSS Outline
  • CSS Display Property, CSS Float Property, CSS Clear Property, CSS Cursors Style,
  • CSS Overflow Property, CSS Position Property, CSS Z-index Property
  • CSS Combinators, CSS Units, CSS Pseudo Classes
  • Difference between display none and visibility hidden
  • CSS Rounded Corners, CSS Gradients, CSS Accent-Color, CSS filter Property
  • CSS Media Types (Responsive), CSS Shadow Effects
  • CSS 2D Transforms, CSS 3D Transforms, CSS Transitions, CSS Animations
  • CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid

  • Introduction to Bootstrap? and its Features
  • Bootstrap Installation
  • Setting Development Environment
  • Grid System
  • Components

  • Introduction to Javascript
  • Features of Javascript
  • Data Types
  • Javascript Variables
  • JavaScript Functions
  • Default Parameter in a Function
  • JavaScript Objects
  • Javascript Arrays and Its Methods
  • Javascript Strings and its Methods
  • Converting Variables to Numbers
  • JavaScript JSON
  • Javascript Operators
  • The HTML DOM (Document Object Model)
  • Events, Hoisting
  • this in JavaScript ● Call(), apply(), bind(), Closures, OOPs in Javascript, Promises, Fetch
  • Scopes in Javascript
  • Array Destructuring, Object Destructuring, Rest Parameters, Spread Operator
  • Async Await in JavaScript
  • Generators in ES6 JavaScript
  • OOPs

  • Introduction to React JS
  • React Elements
  • ReactDOM
  • JSX
  • React Components
  • Props, CRA
  • Functional Components
  • Class Components
  • Static Web Page
  • Introduction to Hooks, State and setState
  • How to Integrate CSS with React
  • Rendering the List using Map()
  • Axios
  • Form Management and Controlled Components
  • Interaction between Components
  • Context API, React Routing, useRef() hook
  • DOM Manipulation and UnControlled Components
  • useEffect() hook, Lifecycle Methods, Unmount Phase Lifecycle Methods, Update Phase Lifecycle Methods
  • Error Boundaries, useReducer() hook, React Profiler, Lazy Loading
  • Redux with Functional Component

  • Introduction to Angular
  • DOM and DOM Manipulation
  • Understanding the Framework and Development Platform, Introduction to TypeScript, Oops In Typescript
  • Namespaces And Modules, Decorators
  • Development Setup of Angular, Essentials Of Angular
  • Data Binding, Templates, Styles & Directives, Pipes, Services & Dependency
  • HTTP Requests
  • Observables & RXJS Operators
  • Routing in Angular App
  • Angular Froms, Angular Material

  • Introduction to Node JS Module system
  • Creating web server
  • File System
  • Events
  • Serving Static Resources
  • Path Module in Node.JS
  • Methods of REST API | Http Verbs

  • What is Non-Relational Database?
  • MongoDB – Environment
  • MongoDB - Data Modelling
  • MongoDB Create Collection
  • MongoDB insert documents
  • MongoDB update documents
  • MongoDB Query documents
  • MongoDB - Comparison Operators
  • Indexes in Mongodb
  • MongoDB Compass

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Classroom Training

Lives interactive sessions delivered in our classroom by our expert trainers with real-time scenarios.

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Online Training

Learn from anywhere over internet, joining the live sessions delivered by our expert trainers.

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Self-Pace Training

Learn through pre-recorded video sessions delivered by experts with your own pace and timings

For Coporate Training, We provide customized content and delivered by industry experts with complete practical demonstration, discussions and exercises based on practical use cases.

Upcoming Batches

Batch Date Batch Mode Start Time (IST) Duration
15/06/2024 Online 7:00 pm 4 Months

Course Fee

For Students accessing the course from india

Course Fee: ₹39999
Launch Discount: ₹10000

  Offer Price: ₹29999*  
*Valid for limited period

3 & 6 Months No Cost EMI available on all major Credit Cards.

For Students accessing the course from outside India

Course Fee: $499
Launch Discount: $100

  Offer Price: $399*  
*Valid for limited period

3 & 6 Months No Cost EMI available on all major Credit Cards.

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Get a Certificate

Get Recognised with the Course Completion Certificate

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    5000+ Get Award

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    10K+ Zero to career


Unique Benefits included in this training

  • BEST TRAINER : OCM Certified, 10 Yrs exp and delivered more than 40 batches
  • QUALITY CONTENT : More content including advance features covered better in Industry
  • BEST PRICE : Affordable and best competitive price in the market

How learners like you are achieving their goals

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Highly recommended training, covered so many topic, to set student ready for job. The instructor is very concise, patient and knowledgeable on the real time scenarios. provides many tools for all to succeed. Great Price $$$. 99.99999% satisfied.

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Clint Images

I was searching for a software course to start a career in IT sector. I am not from an it background so one of my friend told me about Oracle DBA and recommend Ankush sir for training. Joining the classes really help me to know about the basics and to get the hands-on-experience. Awesome Trainer and extremely helpful he explain things in a simple way and also give real time training. Thank you sir or your very valuable training.

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Kiran Dalvi
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Ankush Sir is the best trainer of oracle DBA. The way of teaching of ankush sir is great he is giving real time training , I have no word to say about ankush sir. He is the best trainer on earth.

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Clint Images

Awesome Trainer and extremely helpful he explains things in a simple way and also gives real time training unlike other trainers. Would 100% recommend him.

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Nasreen Fatima
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A very knowledgeable person whom you can rely on anytime. Ankush sir is always ready to help with any of our queries and also will not let go of any issue until its fixed. Highly recommended for everyone. Thank you so much for your efforts sir.

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Full Stack Web Development

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