Useful Asmcmd Commands

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  • User AvatarKiran Dalvi
  • 03 Sep, 2023
  • 1 Min Read

Useful Asmcmd Commands

This blog contains the list of useful asmcmd commands which are important in your day to day operations.

  1. List all diskgroups:

ASMCMD> lsdg

-- Include dismounted diskgroups:

ASMCMD> lsdg --discovery

-- List diskgroups across all nodes of cluster:

ASMCMD> lsdg -g --discovery

2. List asm disks:
 a.List all asm disks

ASMCMD> lsdsk -k 

 b. List disks of a diskgroup(CDATA) with free and total MB
ASMCMD> lsdsk -k -G CDATA

 c. List disks of a diskgroup(CDATA) with group and disk number
ASMCMD> lsdsk -p -G CDATA

 d. List disks with disk creation date 
ASMCMD> lsdsk -t -G CDATA

 e. List candidiate disks only

ASMCMD>  lsdsk --candidate -k

 f. List member disks only
ASMCMD>  lsdsk --candidate -p
 3. Get attributes of ASM diskgroups:

a. List attribute of all diskgroups:

ASMCMD> lsattr -lm 

b. List attribute of specific diskgroup(DMARCH)

ASMCMD> lsattr -lm -G  DMARCH
Group_Name  Name                     Value       RO  Sys
DMARCH      access_control.enabled   FALSE       N   Y
DMARCH      access_control.umask     066         N   Y
DMARCH      au_size                  1048576     Y   Y
DMARCH      cell.smart_scan_capable  FALSE       N   N

c. List attributes with specific pattern

ASMCMD> lsattr -lm %au_size%

 4. Unmount diskgroup:

unmount command works only on the local node. So if you want to unmount the diskgroup from all nodes of cluster, then run this command from all the nodes.  

a. unmount all diskgroups
ASMCMD> umount -a

b. unmount specific diskgroup(ARCH)

5. Mount diskgroup:

Mount command works only on the local node. So if you want to Mount the diskgroup from all nodes of cluster, then run this command from all the nodes.

a. mount all diskgroups on local node
ASMCMD> mount -a

b. mount a specific diskgroup on local node

6. Rebalance a diskgroup:
a. here asm_power_limit is 8 and diskgroup is ARCH

ASMCMD> rebal --power 8 ARCH
Rebal on progress.

b. Monitor progress

ASMCMD> lsop

7. Get password file of database
ASMCMD> pwget --dbuniquename PRIM

8. Get password file of asm :

ASMCMD> pwget --asm

9. Get asm template info of a diskgroup:
ASMCMD> lstmpl -l -G ARCH
10. Check whether flex asm is enabled or not :
ASMCMD> showclustermode