Uninstall Oracle Software 19C

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  • 26 Jun, 2021
  • 3 Mins Read

Uninstall Oracle Software 19C

Deinstall ORACLE 19C Database Software

In this blog, We will see how to deinstall the Oracle 19C database software. Go to $ORACLE_HOME/deinstall and run deinstall utility.

[oracle@prim dbhome]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/deinstall

[oracle@prim dbhome]$ deinstall
Checking for required files and bootstrapping ...
Please wait ...
Location of logs /data/app/oraInventory/logs/

############ ORACLE DECONFIG TOOL START ############

######################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION START #########################
## [START] Install check configuration ##

Checking for existence of the Oracle home location /data/app/oracle/product/12C/dbhome
Oracle Home type selected for deinstall is: Oracle Single Instance Database
Oracle Base selected for deinstall is: /data/app/oracle
Checking for existence of central inventory location /data/app/oraInventory

## [END] Install check configuration ##

Network Configuration check config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /data/app/oraInventory/logs/netdc_check2021-06-26_09-26-11-AM.log

Network Configuration check config END

Database Check Configuration START

Database de-configuration trace file location: /data/app/oraInventory/logs/databasedc_check2021-06-26_09-26-11-AM.log

Use comma as separator when specifying list of values as input

Specify the list of database names that are configured in this Oracle home []:
Database Check Configuration END
Oracle Configuration Manager check START
OCM check log file location : /data/app/oraInventory/logs//ocm_check7074.log
Oracle Configuration Manager check END

######################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION END #########################

####################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Oracle Home selected for deinstall is: /data/app/oracle/product/12C/dbhome
Inventory Location where the Oracle home registered is: /data/app/oraInventory
Checking the config status for CCR
Oracle Home exists with CCR directory, but CCR is not configured
CCR check is finished
Do you want to continue (y - yes, n - no)? [n]: y
A log of this session will be written to: '/data/app/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-06-26_09-26-09-AM.out'
Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/data/app/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-06-26_09-26-09-AM.err'

######################## DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION START ########################
Database de-configuration trace file location: /data/app/oraInventory/logs/databasedc_clean2021-06-26_09-26-23-AM.log

Network Configuration clean config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /data/app/oraInventory/logs/netdc_clean2021-06-26_09-26-23-AM.log

De-configuring backup files...
Backup files de-configured successfully.

The network configuration has been cleaned up successfully.

Network Configuration clean config END

Oracle Configuration Manager clean START
OCM clean log file location : /data/app/oraInventory/logs//ocm_clean7074.log
Oracle Configuration Manager clean END

######################### DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION END #########################

####################### DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Cleaning the config for CCR
As CCR is not configured, so skipping the cleaning of CCR configuration
CCR clean is finished

############# ORACLE DECONFIG TOOL END #############

Using properties file /tmp/deinstall2021-06-26_09-25-08AM/response/deinstall_2021-06-26_09-26-09-AM.rsp
Location of logs /data/app/oraInventory/logs/

############ ORACLE DEINSTALL TOOL START ############

####################### DEINSTALL CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
A log of this session will be written to: '/data/app/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-06-26_09-26-09-AM.out'
Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/data/app/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-06-26_09-26-09-AM.err'

######################## DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION START ########################
## [START] Preparing for Deinstall ##
Setting LOCAL_NODE to prim
Setting CRS_HOME to false
Setting oracle.installer.invPtrLoc to /tmp/deinstall2021-06-26_09-25-08AM/oraInst.loc
Setting oracle.installer.local to false

## [END] Preparing for Deinstall ##

Setting the force flag to false
Setting the force flag to cleanup the Oracle Base
Oracle Universal Installer clean START

Detach Oracle home '/data/app/oracle/product/12C/dbhome' from the central inventory on the local node : Done

Delete directory '/data/app/oracle/product/12C/dbhome' on the local node : Done

The Oracle Base directory '/data/app/oracle' will not be removed on local node. The directory is in use by Oracle Home '/data/app/oracle/product/19C/dbhome'.

Oracle Universal Installer cleanup was successful.

Oracle Universal Installer clean END

## [START] Oracle install clean ##

## [END] Oracle install clean ##

######################### DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION END #########################

####################### DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Successfully detached Oracle home '/data/app/oracle/product/12C/dbhome' from the central inventory on the local node.
Successfully deleted directory '/data/app/oracle/product/12C/dbhome' on the local node.
Oracle Universal Installer cleanup was successful.

Review the permissions and contents of '/data/app/oracle' on nodes(s) 'prim'.
If there are no Oracle home(s) associated with '/data/app/oracle', manually delete '/data/app/oracle' and its contents.
Oracle deinstall tool successfully cleaned up temporary directories.

############# ORACLE DEINSTALL TOOL END #############