Database Monitoring Template

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Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 05 Dec, 2023
  • 50 Secs Read

Database Monitoring Template

Enterprise > Monitoring > Monitoring Templates


Click on create Template :

Select here Target type 

Which target you want to monitor such as database, listener, host etc

Ex. In our case its Database Monitoring

Give name to template and Description : 


To configure Matrix on Edit :


Click Metric Thresholds to select which parameters you want to monitor

Warning Threshold: this value indicates warning alert for metric

Critical Threshold: this value indicates critical alert

Note :

  • The parameters where warning and critical threshold not set or 0, That parameters not monitored by OEM automatically.
  • You can also select parameter those you don’t want to monitored, you can select them and click on remove metrics from template. It will remove those metrics.
  • If any parameter disables and you want to enable it. You can enable it as shown below.


Here I selects Metrics to be Monitored by OEM and set parameters and click on OK.

  • Attach Monitoring Template to Database
Click on apply and select target which you want to monitor using this template.