If you flush the shared pool, all the statements in cursor will be flushed. So if you want a sql query to do hard parsing, then you can flush the particular sql statement from shared pool.
Follow the below steps :Â
1. Get the address and hash_value of the sql_id:
select ADDRESS, HASH_VALUE from V$SQLAREA where SQL_Id='dmx08r6ayx800';
---------------------------------- ----------
0000000693E4C268 2515443712
2. Now purge the sql statementÂ
exec DBMS_SHARED_POOL.PURGE ('0000000693E4C268,2515443712','C');Â
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
select ADDRESS, HASH_VALUE from V$SQLAREA where SQL_Id='dmx08r6ayx800';Â Â
no rows selected