Resolving ORA-02374, 12899, 02372 issues during data-migration with different characterset
Kiran Dalvi
21 Nov, 2021
1 Min Read
Resolving ORA-02374, 12899, 02372 issues during data-migration with different characterset
Resolving ORA-02374, ORA-12899, ORA-02372 issues during data-migration with different database character set
-- Error in import log
ORA-02374: conversion error loading table "crm"."transaction"
ORA-12899: value too large for column DETAILS_NOTE (actual: 4024, maximum: 4000)
ORA-02372: data for row: DETAILS_NOTE: 0X'434552564943414C205350494E450D0A0D0A4D756C7469706C'
Issue Description:
I have transaction data in table "crm.transaction" where my database Characterset is "WE8MSWIN1252". In this table "DETAILS_NOTE" column datatype is varchar2 where some of the column values fully occupied with 4000 characters. When I am trying to import using IMPDP with another characterset database "AL32UTF8" then above error is coming.
Root cause:
RCA: When data are coming from source character-set to target new character set, special charters taking 3 char space, so it is showing as "ORA-12899: value too large for column RESULT (actual: 4024, maximum: 4000)".
Solution :
Target Character-set : AL32UTF8
Migrate your schema or database.
Create dblink with souuce to target database.
Disable constraints.
alter the table as example shown:
SQL> alter table crm.transaction modify DETAILS_NOTE VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR);
Now insert the whole data .
Migrate your schema or database.
Disable constraints.
alter the table as example shown:
SQL> alter table crm.transaction modify DETAILS_NOTE VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR);
import the table from logical dump with below format.
create table crm.transaction
trnxid NUMBER not null,
rsltrpthdrid NUMBER not null,
paramdetailid NUMBER not null,
details_note VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR),
unitid NUMBER,
) tablespace CRM_TBLS;