Oracle Enterprise Linux OEL 7.6 Installation

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oracle database
  • User AvatarKiran Dalvi
  • 12 Dec, 2021
  • 7 Mins Read

Oracle Enterprise Linux OEL 7.6 Installation

How to Set up Oracle Database Server on VMware Workstation using( OEL) Linux 7.6 OS Platform?

1.Download Vmware Workstation Pro

2.Download LINUX 7.6 iso files

3.install LINUX 7.6 

1.Download and Install latest Vmware Workstation Pro on Windows 10 Machine.     







2.Download (OEL) Oracle linux 7.6 iso  Image files on your windows 10 Machine..                                         


           Go to Google Chrome



          Go to;jsessionid=c-8UIUpJkJF6y24gA60GTiyR59zfhbxMNMP6SXg2oaCb5scEnQT4!-1082490184


             click on sign in 



         Login with your credentials


           Search with oracle linux 

   Go to oracle Linux 7.6 (Oracle Linux)

It is Added to the cart then click on continue 




 Search for *86 64 bit operating system 

The size show be around 14.0 GB


Click on continue



Accept the license agreement

Close the feedback form


Click on download



once you click on download it will start a software just double click on it 



It will help you to track how much download has been completed where this download will go etc……



Its a good idea not to push all 14 GB software into Drive  C:\download folder instead find a drive where there is sufficient space to download it .

right click Create Folder OEL7.6 maybe in your E drive wherever you have sufficient space available. This is the location where all OEL 7.6 ISO files are Going. While we are doing OEL installation 100 GB is do have to click on next next and it will start downloading you need to have very good internet speed again it should not break. if your download fails, so it will not fail for all of the files. 


So let’s say these two ISO file has been downloaded successfully. So you can just select next one and start downloading or  select one by one and start downloading if you don’t have good internet speed. 


 Once it is done you will see all the ISO file . if we go to, OEL 7.6 ISO folder files will looks like this.

3.OEL 7.6 Installation  (oracle Enterprise Linux installation):

Now we’ll start with the installation


Open the VMware Workstation


click on file new virtual Machine


Click on typical installation and click next


Click on third option i will install operating system later as we are going to attach our iso files later



click on Linux operating system and version as oracle linux 7 64-bit



Give a proper name to your virtual machine here i gave it as a weekend Batch and give a location where all our VMvare files going to reside you should at least have 100GB of space .Here I use E:\ Drive \weekend Batch folder.


Click on Next


Next we have to specify Disk Capacity here we have given 80 GB of space which we will later split it into multiple mount points 



click on customize hardware        


click on 4GB of memory


Click on Number of  processors as  1

click on New CD/DVD 

use ISO image file


Click on browse go to folder OEL 7.6 where our iso files are saved 

select File which is ending with 739-01( i.e V980739-01) as its a good image file .however we need to have all other image files in place as they will communicate with each other internally .


Click on close 


click finish 



Now we got this pop up



We can make any changes in our configuration by clicking  on Edit virtual machine settings.

Can edit memory ,processors etc…



Next click on power on this Virtual Machine 


 Now it has started oracle Linux server installation 



Now our Mouse will not work we can do scrolling with the help of keyboard keys and select Install Oracle Linux 7.6


click enter twice installation starts 



Next Select english and click continue 


Next choose first option date and time .we can choose data and time as per our time zone 



Here i choose india and click done 



Next option is software installation source which is where is our iso files which we have already done 


Next is software Selection click on it 



Click on server with GUI and click done 



Just wait for a minute so that os takes the new changes 



Next click on Installation Destination 



Now we are going to partition the 80 GB which we have allocated click on i will configure partitioning and then click on done 



Next we will go with the LVM partitioning software 



Next click on plus sign (+) first partitioning will be root partition let’s give 30 GiB and click add mount point 



Next click on plus sign (+) second partition is /data of 35 GiB then click add mount point 


Next allocate 5 GiB of SWAP memory(acts as secondary RAM when RAM is not sufficient to process Data due to heavy operations   ) and click add mount point 


Table : Recommended Swap Space Requirements 


Swap Space

1 GB – 2 GB

1.5 times the size of RAM

2 GB – 8 GB

Equal to the size of RAM

Greater than 8GB

0.75 times the size of RAM


Next boot(whenever system starts needs some memory )partition of 1 GiB then click add mount point 


Next partition is /tmp (server performs  temporary operations like copying,pasting first in /tmp directory and then send to destination   ) give space of 5 GiB

Still 4GiB space is available so we can 

We can add this up to our root partition so increase from 30 Gib to 33 Gib in our case here so modify and save 

More 1Gib space is left we can leave as it is 

Click on done 


Next click on Accept changes


Now next its asking us what’s the hostname name every machine or server will have a hostname so click on network and hostname and 


Here we give hostname as

Click on apply and done 

crosscheck everything 

-Software selection will be server with GUI

-Installation destination should be Custom partitioning selected 

-Under network and hostname we have set the hostname network ip configuration we will do after installation 

Next click on Begin installation 


By default one user will be created that user is called root


Give the root password 



Click on done twice now 

our server installation is in progress.depending on our internet speed ,RAM the server installation will be completed 

Now we a see a prompt related to licencing accept it 


Accept and click done 



Click on finish configuration 



Click next for language as english 

Click Next 


click next



Mention your location click Next


Click skip 


Next by default we need to create one user click Next


give a strong password click next


Click on start using oracle linux server 



You are logged in as default user log out and login as root user 


Click on not listed 


And login as root user and password 




Click on next ,next,next


Now logged in as root user 

——-Our oracle linux server installation is completed here ———–

Next the first thing what we have to do is take the remote of this machine using a software which which we have already install and that is called putty 

For this to happen we need to perform some networking operations as a root user 

Disable firewall to connect putty to remote server

systemctl stop firewalld

systemctl disable firewalld

First two network adapter

Click on VM –> Setting 

Add Two adapter

1) NAT – > Assign the NAT adapter -> CUSTOME with NAT

2)BRIDGE Adapter 


Click on Edit – > Virtual network Editor. NAT adapter need to be assign with following IP

Go Inside vmware and click on power button then click on setting symbol

Ens33 needs to be assign with dynamic ip and ens37 need to be assign with static ip

ens33 looks like below

ens37 setting as below

Both ethernet ens33 and ens37 need to be connected. Make sure you select automatic on option from ethernet setting

Restart server and validate all setting saved properly

Open vmware linux terminal and fire below command.

init 6


Open putty and enter the IP address and also so other setting of putty

Increase line of scrolling 


Select Change font size when maximize 


Click on ssh click on x11

Click on enable x11 forwarding 

And enter X display Location to localhost:0


Click on session 

Give name in saved session as weekend Batch

Click on save 

And click on open


Click on open





Enter the username as root and password 


The putty seems hanging 


So in order to get the prompt fast we need to disable dns service which it is looking for here 


Go to vmware vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and disable use DNS 

Now the prompt appears faster after disabling dns 


And you can verify the settings using linux commands 


Hope it helps 

**************THE END **********************